About And Legal

About Us And Legal

We are providers of comprehensive security services regionally, to the satisfaction of our customers.

We are a highly specialized unit established to provide reliable and affordable Security Systems and Response.

The PJM Response team are not only trained for a Security Breach, they are also trained for a Medical Response and Fire Response situations.

The SECURITY team will react immediately to your distress signal, which is sent from the panic button, or cellphone app, directly to a computer in the vehicle, using existing cellphone tower networks. The computer will already have stored all your information, (name, address, access points, number of residents/dogs etc.). They will immediately start driving to your property and will try and contact you by phone. If you are not available to speak to them they will just enter your property. There is also an option to have the reaction vehicle fitted with your gate remote signal so they can open your gate and drive straight in rather than wasting precious time climbing over the gate with a ladder. This vehicle is monitored at all times via a tracking system, which prevents any abuse.
The teams are fully trained by Rolf Valley Gym in combat take down procedures and carry all the relevant security equipment to assist them.

If the MEDICAL team is required, there is an option to call an ambulance either on the App or through the panic button and reaction vehicle. This medical service is provided by PJM LIFELINK Ambulance service. If you are A PJM keyholder or on a medical aid plan then it should be covered. If not, then there is a US $100 call out fee, payable to . This is not payable immediately as Response has an agreement with the ambulance service so as not to inconvenience the person in time of need. Medical Air Evacuation is in association with PJM Response Lifelink Zimbabwe Lifelink Namibia  Executive Air and Bay Air Aviation services  covering local regional and International evacuations 

If the FIRE service is required, our fire engine tender will immediately attend to the crisis whilst City of Harare is on the way. This vehicle is equipped with on board water and foam tanks pumps and hoses a multitude of fire extinguishers. The fire tender is capable of drawing and pumping water simultaneously from the swimming pool or nearby water source to continue the fight, if necessary. Once City of Harare arrives on the scene they will take over. The PJM Response crews have certificates in fire fighting and burn management.

There is an App that can be installed on your android phone and can be activated to call for security, fire or ambulance assistance.

Our vision is to be the preferred provider of Risk Management services in the Security Industry.
Our mission is to provide comprehensive and reliable services to the satisfaction of ALL our customers.


Our Core Values are:

• Commitment to duty
• Customer Focus
• Discipline
• Honesty and Integrity
• Team Work
• Value Addition


Patrick Mallon

Buster Mutizi

Dee Oniel


Buster Mutize

Tawanda Chitanda


Certification Of Incorporation

ITF 263

CR 14

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